Welcome to IWantToBeYourMayor.com!

To skip right to the candidate videos, CLICK HERE.

I wanted to know more about the 22 people who registered to run for Jackson's Mayor. I realized other people wanted to know more too, so created this site. Now, you can "comparison shop" to find the candidate who aligns with your thinking.

To learn why I created this site and the guidelines for participation, CLICK HERE.



It's kinda crazy, when you think about it. Of the 22 people who registered their campaigns, only TEN decided to take advantage of this opportunity to promote themselves. The rest?Β  I guess they had their reasons, but my guess is that some registered as an ego trip. They thought it would be cool to tell their friends that they're running for Mayor, when in fact they had no intention of campaigning. Others might have registered because they thought it would help a candidate eliminate their opponents. I really have no idea, but I want you to know this: I did everything in my power to contact all candidates and give them equal access to this opportunity.

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I was diligent in remaining impartial. Here's the format for these recordings:

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Every candidate got the same questions before they were recorded.
πŸ‘‰πŸΌ No candidate was able to view any other candidate's video until after they were all published on the same day.
πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Every candidate got 30 minutes to answer as many questions as they wanted to.
πŸ‘‰πŸΌ I didn't interact with any candidate during the recording. I pressed "RECORD" and they had 30 minutes to say whatever they wanted to say.
πŸ‘‰πŸΌ I stressed the importance of preparing ahead of time so they could stay on track and use their time wisely.
πŸ‘‰πŸΌ I did not coach or communicate with any candidate before their recording session.
πŸ‘‰πŸΌ I did not receive any money or favors for doing this. I was my attempt to provide a public service.

Β I reached out to every candidate. I've put them into three categories - Mystery Candidates, Opt-Outers, and Serious Candidates.

I couldn't find any contact information for several candidates and the Municipal Clerk said she couldn't give me their contact information because it was not public information.Β 

(It's worth noting that the Clerk has not updated the list of candidates since January 31, which is 14 days ago as of this writing, even though 3 of the candidates have been disqualified.)

The Mystery Candidates

I was unable to find contact information for these Mystery Candidates:

Ponto Ronnie Downing

James "Blue" Butler

Lille Stewart-Robinson

Kenny G

The Opt-Outers

I communicates with these candidates or communicated by email. (I can prove they got my emails and texts.) They either declined to participate or said they wanted to, then stopped responding to my emails and texts.

Kim Wade

Delano Funches

LaKeisha J. Crye

David L. Archie

Kourtney Christopher Page

Watch the Videos of the SERIOUS Candidates HERE.

I created a Scorecard so you can keep track of your impressions of the candidates answers. Download it HERE.

Please share this page with your friends. Send them to IWantToBeYourMayor.com. If you want to share the video of individual candidates, you can right-click in their video to copy the link then paste it into a text message or email.

Lastly, please know that you can make a diffeerence in the outcome of this election. Regardless of your choice, it's up to you and me to make an informed decision, share it with your friends and family, and VOTE.

If you haven't registered to vote, full details can be found HERE.

Contact me by email at IWantToBeYourMayor@gmail.com