All candidates have the opportunity to answer the following questions however they see fit. Every candidate gets 30 minutes to introduce themselves, answer the questions, and make their case for their candidacy. No prompting or coaching has been given to any candidate. Their answers and how they manage their time is entirely up to them
INTRODUCTION: Introduce yourself and give a little background information - family, schooling, past experience, etc. Then, explain why you want to be the Mayor.
QUESTIONS: Please answer as many of these questions as possible within your allotted time. As much as possible, give specific and measurable outcomes. Suggested answer length - 2:00 minutes or less.
What personal experiences, leadership qualities, or accomplishments make you uniquely qualified to serve as Jackson’s mayor?
As Mayor, what are your top three priorities?
Please provide the names of any executive talent who will be part of your administration.
Jackson has one of the highest violent crime rates in the country. What’s your plan to make it safer?
Potholes in Jackson are a source of constant frustration. What will you do to improve the roads?
What will you do about the Jackson Zoo?
School attendance is declining. How can we stabilize JPS and improve its outcomes with students?
How will you attract private investment to South and West Jackson?
How will you rebuild trust in City government?
Should the City be using its legal funds in an effort to take back control of the water system?
If you don’t win would you be willing to work in the administration of the winner. If you do win would you be willing to appoint some of the other candidates to your administration?
How will you build cooperation with state and federal agencies in order to access available resources?
CONCLUSION: Spend 2-3 minutes making your final appeal to voters.
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