Make sure you have Zoom installed on your computer and that you know how to open a Zoom Meeting. I’ll send you a link. All you’ll have to do is click on the link to join the meeting.
If you're using a computer for the recording, make sure it has a camera and that it connects automatically to ZOOM. Turn your phone OFF so you’re not interrupted by calls or notifications.
If you’re using a cell phone, I recommend using some kind of tripod. The video quality may be fine, but if it's moving around and shaking, it will give a bad impression. Of course, you want to look as professional and competent as possible so investing $15 for a tripod from Amazon or Best Buy would be a good idea. Turn your phone to “Do Not Disturb” so you don’t get interrupted during your recording.
Make sure your space is neat and quiet for at least one hour. People interrupting you or outside noises will detract from your pitch.
It's important to have good lighting so that there are no shadows on your face and so people can see you clearly. Remember, first impressions last. You can get an inexpensive “ring light” from Best Buy or Amazon for about $20. They make a huge difference.
The placement of your microphone can make a lot of difference so you wanna make sure that you sound good. The best way to do that is to know how to place the microphone in front of your mouth so it picks up your voice well.
The questions are listed here. Please print them out so you can prepare. Frankly, I think that this could be an extremely valuable tool for your campaign. It doesn't cost anything and it could potentially be seen by thousands of people. I would study the questions and make sure you're comfortable with the answers you'll give.
You will have a total of 30 minutes to make your case and answer as many questions as you wish. That means you'll have about three minutes to introduce yourself, then two minutes per question, then a closing statement. There will be a timer on the screen so you can stay on track. I recommend practicing before your recording so you get the maximum impact. Viewers will be impressed if you manage your time well.
When you’re recording, look into the camera, not down at your screen. Take a minute now to locate the camera on your device. If you look into the camera, you'll have maximum eye contact with viewers. If you're looking at the screen or off to the side, you won't connect as well. This is important and I would recommend that you do a dry run so you can see what a difference it makes.
Unless you have a separate camera, you may need to prop your computer or laptop up on some books so that it's at eye level. This video is very helpful in explaining how to make yourself look good on Zoom.
Here’s a list of tips for maximizing your recording:
Questions or comments? Email me at or call me at (601) 624-3456