Thanks for choosing to answer questions that are important to citizens of Jackson.
I decided to orchestrate this process so viewers can give careful consideration to your answers and so they can easily share them with their friends and family.
Use this link to reserve a time for your recording.
Your answers will be limited to 30 minutes, but plan on an hour, just in case.
What You Need to Know
Every candidate will get the same questions.
Every candidate will have the same amount of time to answer the questions.
Every candidate will get the questions ahead of time.
I won’t say anything during the recording.
After I press the RECORD button, it’s up to you to introduce yourself, then answer the questions.
Here’s what you should say after I start the recording:
“My name is YOUR NAME and I’m running for Mayor of Jackson, Mississippi.”
Spend 2-3 minutes sharing your background and explain why you want to be Mayor.
Answer the questions posted here
Conclude with your best appeal to voters
The questions will be visible on one half of the screen and you will be visible on the other half.
You’ll be responsible for managing your time. A timer will be visible on the screen, so you can manage your time.
After you’ve answered the questions, you can use whatever remaining time you have to make your pitch to the viewers.
When the recording begins, I’ll introduce you. Then, you’ll be on one side of the screen and the written question will be on the other side.
A big part of your participation is that you look good in the video. Proper lighting, camera positioning, and eye contact are important. For example, don’t look downward into your camera. Look at the camera, not at your screen.
Raise your computer up so the camera is at eye level. And make sure the lighting is good. The impression you make will be almost as important as the answers you give. If your face is in shadows or if there’s a lot of light in the background, you won’t make a great impression.
I recommend you watch this video and that you practice your setup beforehand to make the best possible impressions:
I’ll send you a link to my Zoom account a day or two before your appointment.
Thanks again for making yourself available. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to me.
John Zehr
(601) 624-3456